Walker's Worn out his Welcome.....Again

Kind of like a broken record that plays over and over and over and over again with no end in sight(or at least no one to come by and cut off the power, anyway)....
You almost have to feel for the guy whose only crime was not fulfilling the "potential" and "unrealistic expectations" that boston fans(and fans in general) demanded. He really is a solid player but these days, just being a "solid player" with the skills that he has is just NOT ENOUGH.
Of course, that's not to say that the criticism, vitriol, and booing from Heat Fans isn't well-deserved....But let's look at it from different angles.
On the one hand, he has had an AWFUL SEASON thus far, Period. It is perhaps the worst start to a season in his entire career which is saying something considering that he has a career 41% FG percentage. Aside from the starting 5-10 games where he's played "alright" ball, the rest of the way looked like something out of a horror film without the Blood and Gore(though there was plenty of vomit by Heat fans alike when Watching him impersonate a B-Ball player). It always seemed that no matter what he did - whether it was attempting a shot and/or passing the ball - it always ended up being the WRONG PLAY at the WRONG TIME. Even the previous night at home against Memphis when he had 2 point-blank Layups...He missed them both in going 2-8 from the floor and the crowd letting him have it, obviously fed up with his "struggles" this season. In fact, there have been rumors of him being shopped(Maggete, Watson, A.I., etc), though nothing of note has been definite as of yet. All In all, it hasn't been good to be Employee #8 thus far this year.
HOWEVER, on the other hand, other factors do appear to have come into play as far as Walker's struggles go. Let's start with the first and perhaps main factor :
1.) Shaq's absence. Make No mistake about it. Walker performs very well playing off of Shaq. Sure you can say that for most of the players but for Walker it's become absolutely essential to have Shaq in the lineup for him to truly be effective. Shaq opens up lanes for Walker to drive and prevents opposing defenders from closing in on him, thus making it easier to get to the rim and score(or dump it off to Shaq for a dunk). Not coincidentally, Walker's downward spiral began when Shaq went down and had knee surgery. He got so used to Shaq being there that he wasn't truly prepared to have to deal with all the double-teams and extra-attention once again. Add the fact that he never was a great leaper to begin with(major understatement) and you understand just how imperative having Shaq in there is for Antoine. Plus, with Shaq in there, Walker doesn't have the pressure on him to be the 2nd option(a pressure that has plagued him these days).
2.) New so-called basketball. SHAQ said the ball was garbage...He was right. But also, It is very possible that the B-ball has done more to hurt Walker's game than just about any player in the League today(well there is Ray Allen whose 3pt% is down to 31% from last years 41% but I digress). From someone who has followed Walker's career from his days in Beantown to now, let me tell you that while he's been "mediocre" for the most part throughout his career, he's NEVER EVER been *this* bad and I should know. From the complaints I've heard of how the ball bounces the wrong way, slips out of a players hands too quickly upon shooting, and so forth, it becomes extremely probable that most of Walker's recent issues performance-wise are directly linked to that "Basketball".
3.) Lack of Shot-attempts/Playing Time. Walker said it himself once that he is a "Volume-Shooter" so he needs at least 12-15 shots per game to get into the flow. However, with his struggles, Dorell Wright's emergence, and Riley playing him just a shade over 10 minutes per as of late, he will never get a legit shot at doing this. Now some say this is good but I don't really think it is, actually....'cause now you'd have an expensive bench-warmer just sitting there when he could be out there playing 35 to 40 minutes per and getting you 15-18(maybe 20 if it's a good night) instead. Pat Riley would need to go and Start Antoine at the 4 again full-time if Toine is ever going to get it going once again 'cause as it is right now, there will be no end in sight for those 2-8 nights...
4.) Fans constant booing and heckling. There is no such thing as having a "thick skin". When you're out there trying to do the best job that you can in helping your team and then get booed for your trouble when you "stumble", it's NOT a good feeling at all. And I have no doubt that it affects Antoine. He's the type of player who feeds off the Crowd's electricity but when that Crowd turns against him, and he has no confidence, it makes it even more difficult to get back any "mojo" he has lost. I mean...It's sad, really. Fans have already forgotten how he played a critical role last year in helping the Heat win the title; how his performance against the Nets spelled the difference between advancing to the ECF and Going Home; how his Game 6 Performance(particularly in the 3rd quarter) helped keep the Mavericks at bay in their OWN BUILDING on the way to helping Miami claim its(and his) first Title. It's just not right...but anyway...
Bottom Line : Whether Antoine is traded this year(doubtful) or not, one thing is for certain. He has done what Riley brought him here to do. He has proven that he CAN be part of a Championship team and win the big one when everyone said he couldn't. So wherever he ends up in the future(whether that's still here in South Beach or in Seattle/Philly/wherever-else), he'll always be able to look himself in the mirror when he wakes up and say "Good Morning, Champ". 'Cause after all, that's what he is.
josh, You forgot 1 thing, maybe he just doesn't give a damn anymore..it does happen in sports
Somehow, I doubt it. The man is only 30 years old. He's still got a good number of years of B-ball ahead of him. He's struggling 'cause of what I discussed and they are very legitimate reasons.
If only a couple of those are fixed, I see him returning to the productive player he was as part of "15 Strong" once again.
Toine still cares. Nobody who cheers that much from the bench, you can't say he don't care.
Heat fan's are lucky because Walker is playing less and less every passing game, and team is benefiting from it. Walker is a black hole of a basketball player. He needs to be traded to a nobody team like Atlanta or Seattle and finish out his career somewhere where he can be the man, and nobody will care.
Was that username REALLY necessary....CHRIS?????
honestly....Walker is still useful for this team, especially come playoff time. I don't give a damn what anyone says, especially not some drunk-ass Knicks fan like you....
I'm willing to throw down the gauntlet and lay out a guarantee :
Anyway, my point has been made. Now go punch Carmelo's face and get lost, Chris.
Hopefully Walker won't be around for the post season. Every wants him out of Miami. He plays ten minutes a game and gets booed by the home crowd.
Walker is the laughing stock of the NBA do you realize that? I'm mean really?
Go to any NBA board or chat, go to each teams area, and ask them if they would take Walker in a trade. I'm challenging you to do that. 99% of the people will laugh at you. No one wants this guy. He sucks. Jason Kapono is playing better than him right now does that tell you something?
Probably not I would imagine....
Jason Kapono is playing better than him right now does that tell you something?
>>> Yes I do and with the amount of minutes(lack of) that Walker's getting, Kapono *BETTER* be playing better.
By the way...
Big shout-out to the Nitwits at the Miami Heat Forum who are getting a good laugh at my expense(I can read your crap in the random thoughts thread). If you all were expecting IRA-type quality in this blog, sorry. There's only one IRA.
I think he sucks.
yuk it up, REALGM Miami Heat Forum DICKWADS.
You'll all see that by the time the PostSeason is over, the Heat would be back-to-back Champs and Walker would've saved the Team's sorry ass THREE TIMES in the process.
As the old saying goes, It's not how you perform well but WHEN you perform well(and mark my words, Walker will be the unsung hero of the Postseason for the Heat)
Toine is the key for our team's playoff chances - Shaq
and it will be true AGAIN. Walker isn't going anywhere and there won't be any deal for Watson either.
Looks like hellgate is the voice of reason here and KEEPING IT REAL :
"Just wait till the old ball is back.
Walker will get his shot back and his confidence.
You guys have short memories and it's a shame....to just dump on a guy who is in a funk but helped you win your first sports title in history is pretty sad.
I'm sure the majority of you felt last year wouldn't work and Walker would be a failure....how'd that turn out?"
>>> Couldn't agree more with you, Hellgate. But consider also the RETURN of Shaq next year along with the Old ball....Walker will once again play like he always played in the past and Miami would be in great shape.
by the way, trading Walker for Murphy is....*THROWS UP*....
by the way, since you guys like to read my blog and messages so damn much, why not (this is a message for you, Lane) use your Realgm "Powers" and re-instate me??
I mean for a bunch of nincompoops who whined about my posts and how they were so happy to see me go, you all spend a good amount of time here reading what I've got to say.
I'm touched...really. :p
MartyConlonJr graces us with his *snicker* Intelligence :
"I don't care that Walker did some positive things in the playoffs for us, he did just as many bad things and he didn't have much of an impact on whether or not we won a title. "
>>> This guy is a fool. Or maybe he's just suffering from SELECTIVE-amnesia. If it wasn't for Walker's performance in the Nets Series, GUESS WHAT?
Also, he played a CRUCIAL role in the 3rd Quarter of the Title-Clinching Game(game 6) scoring 11 of his 14 points and grabbing 9 of his 11 boards in the quarter *ALONE*! Because of him, the Heat were able to keep the mavericks from taking a lead and developing Momentum going into the 4th.
"The ends justify the means. We got a title, but I think you guys overstate his worth to that championship team."
>>> And I think this guy WAAAY WAAY WAAAAAY Understates what his contributions to the team in the playoffs and finals last year were TRULY Worth.
Talk about being ungrateful.....*shakes head in disappointment*
uhh...okay, merced. nice to meet you???? *shrugs shoulders* whatever.
Where was I? Oh yes...
Three O' Five has doozy here :
"As a fan of the Miami Heat franchise I would always like to see what is best for the team. Maybe Antoine helped us last year, and I use the word help quite generously, it seems his usefulness to this franchise has served it's purpose. If Antoine was able to provide what we need out of him and his salary, I would back him up the same way I'd back any player up that is valuable to this franchise. Right now, I see little value with Antoine on this current team."
>>> Fair enough but don't you think certain "Factors" should be taken into account for Walker's struggles? I mean just saying that "he sucks" doesn't really explain much, if anything except the personal feeling and opinion of an uninformed fan. Read my Walker Blog for these "Factors" again for details.
"Walker for Murphy isn't the ideal scenario for the Miami Heat franchise as we have bigger needs elsewhere. One thing I will say though, Murphy's ability to consistently rebound and stroke the 18 foot jumper would be more valuable to what Antoine is giving the team right now which is nada."
>>> But Murphy handles the ball about as well as Damon Jones did(they both sucked at it) and while Murph does have that ability to rebound and hit the 18 footer, Walker can do so many other things that it makes anything Murph do PALE in comparison.
Look....at first, I thought it was a new poster but now that I think about it, I believe I've been duped.
So that said, I'm removing all comments from this person until further notice.
I thought I've been duped and it looks like my suspicions were justified :
"Five bucks has Marty doing guest appearances as Merced.
Gold." - BFO
Could always count on BFO spilling the beans and whatever else they spill in the land down under, mate.
Heatsince88 with some words of "wisdom" :
"Walker shot in the 30%'s in the Bulls series, Pistons series, and the Mavs series. Defensively, he was perhaps our weakest link in trying to defend his position -- making guys like Nocioni look like the greatest offensive players on the planet. The plus/minus numbers show we were a better team with Walker on the bench -- which is exactly where Riley put him in crunch time of Game 6 while the real men went out and won a title. "
He shot like crap in the Bulls Series, I agree. And in THAT series, I can definitely say the Heat won DESPITE him(or I think it goes "...won IN SPITE of him"). But curious as how you conveniently leave out the NETS series....Why is that, I wonder? Could it be that 'cause of Walker's performance in that series, the Heat managed TO ESCAPE a Humiliating Defeat and Ouster from the Postseason????
"And I'm supposed to bow down to Walker for the rest of his disappointing career because he happened to be on our roster when Dwyane Wade went ape-sh*t and won us a championship? "
>>> No....YOU'RE supposed to bow down to Walker 'cause if it were not for him, THE HEAT WOULD NEVER HAVE MADE IT TO THE ECF TO FACE THE PISTONS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!
Whatever happened afterward(3rd Quarter of Game 6 heroics notwithstanding) is moot. He saved the Heat's asses in the Nets series, END OF F'KN STORY.
>>> please...Indeed. *rolls eyes*
"We won the championship despite Walker, not because of him. "
>>>First off, if you want to at least give off the impression that you sound intelligent, AT LEAST Get it right! It's "We won the championship IN SPITE of Walker, not because of him". Geez....Nevermind that your assumption is 1000% WROOONG!!
"I owe him nothing. If anything, he owes us Heat fans a refund of that $8 million he's making to show up to camp looking like the Pillsbury Dough Boy, shoot 38% FT and 23% 3PT, turn the ball over to the other team much more than he assists his own team, and make Jason Kapono look like an all-star by comparison."
>>> You owe him for what I said above. Yeah he's played subpar but don't think you can sweep his contributions under the rug as nothing but mere afterthoughts...It's because of HIM(at least as far as the NETS series goes) that you are thinking of a HEAT-PEAT(repeat) and not another Can-we-win-our-first-title-this-year again...
This blatant hater-izing is just plain disgusting....
Golden State Vs. Miami
Miami playing pretty well thus far. 20 point lead now...
How in the world was THAT a travel on Walker? Toine was trying to avoid the player lying on the floor.....idiot refs.
81-65 Heat after 3.
Not bad. Perhaps going back to Old-school Heat/Knicks-style play is indeed the way to go.....Maybe doing so even AFTER Shaq returns would be wise.
Damn...what's gotten into Kapono? He looks like Jerry West out there....lol.
25 points....wow.
Walker's not doing much...just staying out of people's way, I guess. Just what does Riley want from him????? POST HIM UP! *sigh*
Good try there, Antoine...oh well.
Good Win by the Heat....Now 7-7 at home and well on their way back.
Kapono just KaP@WNO'd everyone tonight with 27 points.
WAde was wade as usual.
Udonis decided to play consistantly for a change..what a shock! *sarcasm*
JWill had his usual Good-Game-prior-to-sitting-out-a-game crap. Just watch.
Posey was Posey of course(sometimes he giveth offense, sometimes he doesn't....he giveth tonight).
And Walker? I don't know what to think right now....Just what is Riley thinking? Is he trying to get Walker to get pissed about touches, minutes, and crap like that? If he thinks that, then I think Age has finally caught up to his brain and senility has started to set in. Walker, unlike in the past, isn't in any hurry to complain about anything considering that he finally achieved his career-long goal in winning a Ring.
Besides, Walker isn't the type to complain about PT unless the Coach is a blithering Idiot(Nellie).
I'm sorry "Chris", what was that again? I seemed to have accidentally erased your post. OOPS! How clumsy of me...tsk,tsk.
Now moving on to more important matters....
lalalisa with this :
"You must be kidding. The reason most Heat fans hate him so much is because he's NOT playing to the best of his ability at all. He was brought here to be the third option and to help the team out when Shaq is out, which is a pretty important role. Not only has he not lived up to expectations, but he has not even performed at a tolerable level. Who is to blame here? You can say that other players have underacheived as well, which is true...but Antoine has underachieved to a monumental degree."
Sorry "Girl" but the reason why Fans hate him is 'cause they use him as the scapegoat for all the Heat's troubles. That's the REAL reason. What about the stretch where Haslem who has been very inconsistent? What about JWill and his I'll-play-a-good-game-then-sit-out-'cause-my-knee-still-sucks garbage? How about Posey who delivers offense one night and NO-fense the next? What about the Great Dorrell(He's certainly been tearing up the League, hasn't he?)?
Give me a break....
I'm not F-ing Chris....OK? I don't know/care who chris is because I'm not him.
Secondly, why do you keep quoting people from RealGM? It's actually pretty creepy. If you are so infatuated with RealGM....why did you go and get yourself banned in the first place? If this blog is any indication of how you acted there, I can certainly see why it happened.
Thirdly, I happen to agree with you about J Will and Wright. I have never been that impressed with J Will. I think's he streaky and overrated. We would be better of signing Tim-bug. His knees are in just as good of shape.
Wright is overrated too. He's a decent rebounder, and his defense is OK I guess, but anything outside of that is a reach. I don't really understand where "The next T-Mac" stuff is coming from.
Haslem I definately disagree with you about. Remember how you were talking about not winning the title last year without Walker? Haslem is the guy we couldn't have won without. His play in the Finals, especially his defense on Dirk were undeniable. He's also helping out alot in the apparent void that Walker has left behind. He's picked up his scoring and rebounding numbers.
This Lisa person is exactly right in what she is saying. You need to stop trying to tell other people on why they don't like Walker. The masses have clearly spoken, and you my friend are definately in the minority.
Miami fans dislike Walker for the exact reasons that Lisa said. He doesn't step up and fill the role he was brought here to play. He may every now and then have a decent game, but he's WAY to inconsistent. Miami could trade him and find a player who does this much more consistently and won't be such a headache.
And don't give me the,"Walker isn't playing well because Shaq is out, and he was signed to play next to Shaq" crap. I hate when people use that cop-out for him.
First off, Walker was signed to be the third scoring option for the team - with Shaq in the game - or not.
Secondly, when Walker first got here, he came off of the bench with GP and Zo most of the time. So this Walker was signed to play next next to Shaq crap just aint true. And he couldn't even handle that role, because it gave him too much freedom on offense to F everything up.
That's why he was put in the starting lineup with Shaq. Because Riley couldn't trust him to his own demise. Playing next to Shaq and Wade helped keep in under control, and took the ball out of his hands. That's why Walker starting playing more consistent at the end of last year, because Riley made Shaq and Wade his babysitter.
The reason Miami fans don't like Walker is because we didn't sign him to be another role player to put next to Shaq. We signed Walker to have a legit third scoring option who could create offense for himself and others. He has failed miserably, but is still getting paid for that role. That's why we don't like him.
And to make things even worse, guys like J Will and Wright can atleast do other positive things for the team if their shots aren't falling. J Will helps control the tempo of the game, and keeps it in Miami's favor. Wright will get you eleven rebounds and 6-7 assists. They find ways of helping the team.
What does Walker do when his shot isn't falling? He keeps chucking. Why do you think Riley puts him on the bench so much now? Because Walker has been shooting miserably, and Riley knows that if he keeps him on the court nothing good will come out of it because he will just continue to force up stupid shots.
It's plain as day if you pay attention to the games. If Walker would pull his head out of his ass for a second and try something useful when his shots aren't falling, he might get alittle more PT.
This is why Walker has the worst B-Ball IQ in the NBA. He has, oh I don't know.....HOF coaches like Riley tell him how to play better, but he doesn't stick with it. This is the unfortunate truth that Riley is now discovering. Walker has terrible B-Ball IQ, and he's uncoachable.
Now, I have told you that I am not Chris.....are you still gonna delete my posts? Or are you gonna be a man about it?
Now look here, "Chris", if you don't like me deleting your posts, then don't get all combative with me.
While you do make some good points, you have to understand that I'm a Walker supporter through and through. What you see as nothing more than excuses, I see as Legit Issues. I mean c'mon...Is it that much of a coincidence that Walker started playing like Garbage when Shaq left? Do you remember he had a nice stretch of "Decent" games prior to the start of his horrific slump? I sure do.
And even before that, his 3pt shooting which is, for his career, at 32% is down in the TEENS....You think the New Ball has NOTHING to do with it? If you do, that's very naive thinking, man.
Sorry if you don't agree with anything I posted(JWill and Wright's situations aside) but let me make one thing perfectly clear :
If you or ANYONE comes here and acts all high and mighty(no pun intended) to me about what I should and shouldn't think or believe, Guess what? *click* [Comment deleted]
Oh and for "Merced" aka MartyConlonJr? Cut it out, man. It was "amusing" the first time you did it but BFO spilled the beans. Each time you post, I will delete them.
-"Riley said he's not, either, and that Walker, in particular, misses O'Neal, who has lost 18 games to injury, because Walker thrives on playing off of O'Neal in the low post."
"And don't give me the,"Walker isn't playing well because Shaq is out, and he was signed to play next to Shaq" crap. I hate when people use that cop-out for him." - "Chris"
Then I guess you hate Pat Riley then, the Entire Heat Media, and even Toine himself(who admitted it). THE TRUTH IS IN THE ARTICLE, PAL. LOOK IT UP.
No, you are still wrong as usual. Walker was brought here to be the third scoring option on the team, and be the same player he was for the Celtics but to a lesser extent. He wasn't going to be expected to score 20 points a game like he did in Boston, but atleast score in the double digits consistently.
I don't want to here this "Walker was never a consistent player though" bull crap either.
It's not too much ask of an all star caliber NBA to score ten points consistently unless he's a defensive minded player like Ben Wallace.
Josh-imposter, just forget it, man...Okay? It's no use arguing with me about this so just drop it.
Anyway, on a lighter note :
Mitcho :
"And I cannot believe that I'm hearing people blame the new ball for his play. Walker is playing with the exact same ball everyone else has. Wade just scored 40 points with it tonight. I think that anyone who uses the ball as an excuse for a player that is absolutely sucking for no apparent reason should be banned from RealGM. (No offense Mighty if you are out there) "
>>> No offense taken, man. But if you or anyone thinks that the New Ball doesn't have much to do with Walker's struggles this year, then I'm afraid *you* should be the one who is banned.
"As far as playing with Shaq goes, Walker is the one who grew the dependancy on him. I agree that Walker plays better with Shaq in the game, but that shouldn't be the extent of his play. Walker was brought here because he could create offense for himself and for his teamates. That doesn't mean he was signed to score twenty points per game. I would be happy if he could find a way to score 11 points consistently. Is that really too much to ask from a guy that has been in the league as long as Walker? Is that too much to ask from a former all star who is still in his prime? I admit 20 is a reach......but eleven?? Come on! "
>>> *sigh* Mitchco...Mitcho...Mitchco...Tsk, Tsk.
You read my blog before.....Even though you choose to conveniently forget, there are a good number of factors coming into play regarding Walker's struggles and frankly, I'm sick and tired of mentioning them when they're right there for viewing.
"He can't even score 6 consistently this year. How much are we paying this guy? Aren't you supposed to develope and work on your game at some point in your career? Is that what players do? Isn't that what Wade has done? "
>>> Well here's where things are slightly different...Walker has No Hops, No Athleticism, 2 Arthritic Knees, Has played total Games/Minutes the NBA Equivalent of a 35-year-old player(even though he's 30), is a poor FT shooter, and is NOT the 1st(or 2nd) option[translation : doesn't get 10+ shot attempts anymore].
Wade, on the other hand, has HOPS, ATHLETICISM, IS YOUNG, IS A GAME-BREAKER, IS AN NBA FINALS MVP, IS A LEGEND IN THE MAKING, AND GETS 25-30+ SHOT ATTEMPTS PER GAME(and let's not forget the amount of FT-attempts he gets).
Trying to bring Wade into this conversation is dumb. Walker is trying to be "efficient" which Riley has challenged him to be. If you would've bothered to read the articles on both the Herald and the Sun-Sentinel, you'd know this.
"Here are the reasons that Walker will never get respect from us....
1) He can't do anything to help the team when his shot isn't falling
>>> Actually he's tried but "trying" and "succeeding" are two different things, I suppose.
2) He hasn't improved his game since he came into the league
>>> True. Although this recent development of "drawing charges" is certainly something new....
3) Wether "certain people" want to admit it or not, Walker was signed here to be the third scorer. It doesn't mean score 30, it doesn't mean score 20. It means atleast score in double digits consistently. Ten points would even help alot if it were consistent.
>>>But he did that last season for the most part. sure he had his single-digit disasters but most times he would score no less than 10 points a game. This year he started out well but once shaq went out, his game went out. And the New Ball didn't help matters. Heck, even before Shaq went out, Walker had trouble with the 3pter(yes he's always been inconsistent but he's a career 32% shooter so that tells the whole story in regards to that goddamn ball which I'm so happy to see go into the new year).
"4) We didn't pay him this kind of money to be another role player "
>>> No we didn't. Arison Did. Riley did. It's their money, not ours. Stop whining about it. Besides, he did his job last season whether anyone wants to admit it or not(which is almost everyone....a-holes). He was signed to be "the key to the Heat's playoff hopes.." according to Shaq and guess what? He was.
"the list goes on......."
>>>More like "The ignorance goes on.....and on....and on....."
can we at least table the discussion, I thought we were way past this
Toine vs Anti Toine diatribe" - Lane
>>> Looks like HellGateLondon picked up where I left off, huh Lane? eheheheh...in your face, bytch.
"rediculous. The excuses never end. Do they?" - Mitchco
>>> Just how many "excuses" did you have for GP?
And Good Riddance.....MartyConlonJr.
Man....As expected, We lose without Wade. But DWright was smoking out there tonight!! :)
this valuable experience will only serve to make him even BETTER in the coming years....
But WHAT THE HELL HAS HAPPENED TO ANTOINE WALKER??? (Just kidding...I know what happened. Check my Blog for details...)
I'm not going to sweat Walker's "struggles" thus far....I'll just wait until next week against the Clippers when the Old Ball returns and at the same time(NOT COINCIDENTALLY) the resurrection of Antoine Walker's Game.
Until then, F.U. REALGM Dickwads.
DayofMourning with this garbage :
"This game showcased why Wright should be getting Walker's salary and vice versa. "
>>> I'm sorry but Walker is getting the salary he's getting 'cause he was S&T'ed for. Walker earned his ENTIRE SALARY for his efforts last year. He's a 3-time allstar. He's an NBA CHAMPION who Contributed Big-Time last year(the REAL Unsung Hero of the Heat).
Wright is starting to come into his own but he doesn't deserve big-money.....YET.
"Wright had a ton of positive plays and for every tip in Walker had two bad plays. If he's going to foul someone then he needs to foul them, not get beat then touch foul them on the elbow. How many times has he done that this season? He finished up strong last year, but in these midseason games he's looking very poor."
Once Shaq comes back(and with the Old ball, Walker would've been acclimated to it by then), Walker will go back to being the EFFECTIVE Unsung Hero of the Miami Heat as he always has been.
seats blue with the OLDER THAN MOLDY-BREAD "Joke" that isn't even remotely funny...the FIRST TIME it was said :
"Here's a list of players better than Walker.
http://www.wnba.com/players/ "
>>> seatsblue really needs to keep his day job of surfing the net and posting dumb comments on REALGM and NEVER do Stand-up Comedy. It doesn't suit him....
hmmmm....Perhaps it isn't MartyConlonJr who is bugging me here....It could be fag-blowin' unowen...
Wouldn't be the least bit surprised either....
And yes....The return of the Old Ball WILL profoundly affect Walker's Game for the Better. Many threes he attempted were IN AND OUT(guarantee that more than half of those go in if the ball was the old one).
One more thing....Even if the first game back(for the old ball) doesn't result in Walker not playing well, it will only be for that game 'cause it's just a matter of time.
*note* : the reason why I added that last statement in the previous post was that I KNOW that those REALGM Idiots will jump on me(figuratively speaking) for making that prediction about Walker's game returning....
"When I read this I thought I'd been POPKULTURED!1! I had no idea who Merced was.
I went to the Sun-sentinel site today and read Ira's blog for the first time in a while. Saw that TGW still posts there, thought I'd check out his blog again for a laugh and apparently he's been deleting this 'Merced' guys posts thinking they were me. Theres like five posts of him going 'haha, Marty, I deleted your posts" and so on. Well, I hadn't been there since I mentioned it to you guys so it wasn't me. I couldn't be arsed signing up otherwise I might have mocked him.
Just thought you might like to know."
>>> Riiiiighhtt.......It's unowen, anyway. But that doesn't mean I'd put it past you to do the same, MartyConlonJackass.
Flash3 says :
"You know what's even more humorous.
I started Walker for a stretch of games on my 2K7 series, and the team went 0-4 in those games. And I had like 6 or 7 wins in a row, before Wright got hurt.
But now that he's back, I'm 5-2 or 6-3 in the past couple of games.
So even in video game world, AW= 'Teh Suxors'!!1!!"
>>> Oh please....as if anyone can prove that's what occured. For all we know, you could've just thrown the games purposesly(which I wouldn't put it past you to do) just to make him look bad...
Let's see how Walker does tonight with the OLD BALL back....
Dude you have GOT to feel like a complete horse's ass right now.
Walker is worthless AND a cancer. So much for the old ball huh? You know the old ball that is somehow affecting Walker's game more than anyone else in the league? I guess it wouldn't have anything to do with him being over weight would it?
Let me ask you something....why do you even have a this "Blog". You don't even blog on it. You only use it to spew your psychotic hate for RealGM. I did some research there and found out that you used to be MightyToine, and you were a HUGE pain in the butt.
To make things worse, you sit in here and talk to yourself. You actually post pad on your own blog. That's worse than post-padding on RealGM like you used to.
Too bad you are just going to delete this.....I can see it coming. What can you say to defend yourself? Nothing....that's what.
You tell me that I must feel like a Horse's ass and then you go ahead and ACT LIKE ONE. (your post/comment)
Nice Post, by the way. LMAO!!!
Anyway, seriously...didn't I say that this was My Blog...My Site...My Rules awhile ago? Whatever...I find this deactivation bit somewhat FISHY.
It could mean a trade is in the works....or not.. I can't get a read on what goes through Riley's head but then again, who can?
mopper with an interesting post :
" just posted this in another thread, but my buddy at ESPN said that they all believe Stephen A's source was close Antoine. He also doesn't think Posey is involved in any "mutiny", and listening to Shaq and Riles both talk about his conditioning I doubt O'neal is involved either (though I might be wrong). "
>>> Not all that surprising if it's true(forgive me if I don't have faith in mopper's "buddy"'s credibility) but I wouldn't discount Posey either, though. He isn't too happy with this crap as well. And Shaq is not pleased with the 3-hour practices back, I imagine.
"And lastly he said there's speculation that Riles will come back in a bit and try to instill that chip on the shoulder that the heat had last year, since they presumably will all be in a big hole win-wise. "
>>> Only question remaining is whether Posey and Antoine would still be with the team by then....
BigAristotle3234 :
"Trade Antoine for a box of chocolates.......for everyone on the heat board.
Also, it seems like TheGreatWade has gone on the inactive list also."
>>> Har Har. Don't bet on it, dickweed.
I find it amazing how some "fans" seem to think that Webber would do better here when he has been the BIGGEST BUST at PF in a looong while. He's NOTHING.
Webber, unlike Walker, IS D-O-N-E. End of Story. Move on, people.
Antwat, Lane? cute.
Walker didn't say anything 'cause he's RIGHTFULLY PISSED at Riley right now for being such a fucking dictator(emphasis on "DIC"). Walker worked hard to get to the tremendous shape he's in and yet Riley pulls THIS bullshit on him....
Yeah...I'd be pretty ticked off myself, thank you very much.
By the way, Walker forgives but doesn't forget. But that said, He's ready to focus on Basketball again....
(oh and go heat...yay.)
What did I say....WHAT DID I SAY? WELL???
Are you joking? These Realgm Pencil-Dicks actually called the "old ball returning" as the one that gets walker going?
HA! They got that from ME!
Stay tuned for a new blog upcoming....
Ira Winderman wrote:
"After the fourth year, either the team OR the player can cancel the contract -- which assuredly the Heat will do. So it's two more years after this. And unowen85 is the greatest. "
Ira wants Walker gone too.
>>> Oh please....You are such a dickweed, unowen. I do agree that Walker won't be here in the final year of the guaranteed portion of his contract but I also don't believe he'll be dealt in the offseason prior to that last season either; it's probably going to be a deal at the deadline.
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